Sunday, June 11, 2006

The Margarita Book

I love a good margarita. My ultimate margarita disappointment occurred in Minnesota. Although the bartender had heard of a margarita and knew that it had some vague tequila connection, he had never actually made a margarita. Being the brave, hearty soul that I am, I gulped down my instinctual fear of this situation and boldly decided to try one of his prototype margaritas.
Big mistake! That particular concoction of lime flavored dishsoap, rock salt, and an alien chartreuse liquid that was supposed to be tequila, but was obviously colored lighter fluid, put the fear of the universe in me.
One sip, and I almost fainted as the delicate skin on my upper lip singed off, and the air in my upper respiratory system evaporated in a whoosh. It was just like Back Draft. (I swear.)
Needless to say, I didn't finish the drink. At least I didn't humiliate myself completely and spew it all over the bartender as I wished I could have done as it boiled the hide off of my tongue.
Since then, I've been in search of the perfect margarita. What I found recently, while listening to a local talk radio station was a chef from Santa Fe who has written and published a book: The Great Margarita Book.
There is a goddess.
I immediately logged on to to find said book and I have it in my hot, intoxicated, little hands right now. Intoxicated with excitement, not booze! Yet. This lovely, slim volume is 154 pages of history and recipes for a variety of luscious margaritas. The history of tequila, triple sec and the making of margaritas is very interesting. You can spend some serious bucks on very top shelf tequila, but it's not necessary to have a great tasting, smooooooth margarita that will not singe your nose hairs.
Great book. Highly recommended for those of you over 21 in most states.
Delicia Diamond
Margarita Lover


Blogger ~*~Barb~*~ said...

DD, that was hilarous! I split a gut, (sorry) reading about your unfortuante experience drinking that deadly margarita from up north.

Dang, Girl! Glad you're here to tell the tale.

Can I get a gander at that marg book? :-)

8:19 PM  
Blogger Delicia said...

I'll bring the book to our next Kiss Ass Sisterhood meeting.

11:22 AM  
Blogger Anabel Blue said...

We are instant friends! I, too, am always in search of that perfect Maggie! Shudder to think there are imposters out there posing as (gulp) legit bartenders... banish the thought! Here in So Cal, where every other corner sports a Mexican restaurant and cantina, there is no shortage of tequila pouring. There should also be plenty to go around at RT in Houston next year, so we'll have buy each other a round!

Yours, Sippingly,

fellow Erotique author

5:12 PM  
Blogger Delicia said...

Anabel Blue,
good to hear from you and what good taste you have in erotica and margaritas. We are side by side on the site. Looking forward to meeting you.

4:28 PM  

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